Neena's Thought

Howdy all!
Guys, what do you feel about LIFE? What thing comes to your mind when you hear the word LIFE?

Surely, the feelings of all people cannot be same. Even, a same individual seems to possees different perception about LIFE. Why is it so? 

The perception about LIFE is dependent upon several factors. Most eminent of these are living conditions, monetary valuse, level of happiness, family, lack of facilities etc. The most important that engulf all such factors and seems to predominant is none else than your THINKING!

Yes, you read right!

No matter, whatever the scenario are and how hard you are trying to make your living a pleasant one, always keep in kindmthat there are enormous people who are living below the living standards and they smile on little happiness that they gain. Why to be ungratrful? 
If you have all body parts then you are Blessed!
If you can see then you are Blessed!
If you can read this then you are Blessed!
If yiu are a source of smile for anybody then you are  massively Blessed!

Always be grateful for what you have but it does not mean to not strive for your dreams. Your personality should depict humbleness.

The more grateful you would be, the mpremBlessings you would receive from Almighty Allah :)

Don't make your life to be a waste. Make the best out of it by having the positive perspective about LIFE. You are not gonna get it again. Value it before its too late. The whole story behind the different feelings is due to different perspectives.

Be BLESSED and value your LIFE!


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