Top 11 Most Weird Cases Revealing the Next Level Penny Pinchers

Money Lover penny Picnher

The life of a cheapskate is entirely different from ours. Their lifestyle, their habits, and thinking are different. The basics need for life and the happiness of our family matters a lot to us. We believe in to spend money to get the facilities of life and wish to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle with money. But surely, it does not mean to spend luxuriously. 

On the contrary to it, penny pinchers have the utmost love for their money, which grant them the most incredible thinking and lifestyle behaviors which do not match with us. Here, you will get to know about the next level penny pinchers who are living their lives by cutting off many luxuries of life or by modifying it through the use of alternates. It does not mean that they are the poor people who cannot afford the basic facilities of life. It is indeed their preference and priority to money. You will be surprised to know some of the cheapskates are a millionaire in reality.

Unbelievable and silly ways to save money, which cheapskates frequently use. Read more! 

A Man Who Does Not Spend Any Penny

Here, I am going to tell you about a weird penny pincher who does not like to spend any penny. Terrance is a miser who hails from Oakland and his habit of not spending money would surely make you laugh. He tries his best to spend as least money as he could. Even, he does not bother to enjoy the luxurious of life. Although, he is not a poor person. He keeps the money but spending a penny makes him feel quite bad. The hilarious thing to know about him is that he does not even purchase furniture for his home.

Terrance believes in to not spend even a single cent. Terrance made his family enjoy the meal not by purchasing it. They have to take it from the table of people who left their meal on the table. Leaving your food on the table gives them an excellent opportunity to grab it. It is foolish to expect that he would purchase any happy meal for his family member.

Quite strange! 

How can one be that much miser! Terrance is indeed one if the next level penny pinchers who leave no stone unturned to amaze you with his miserly habits.

Foodie Cheapskate Grabbing Food from Dumpster

The world is teamed with a number of foodies who love to enjoy a delicious and scrumptious meal. They love to feast their taste buds with several amazing flavors. For this, they do not hesitate to spend money. The amazing fact to know is that there is foodie cheapskate too who like to enjoy the meal but do not want to spend any money from his pocket. Being a cheapskate does not mean that you do not have the right to relish the delightful food and outstanding flavors. The craze for food makes a foodie cheapskate to grab it no matter from where.

You may hear about several kinds of cheapskates but now I am going to reveal about a foodie cheapskate Kay who loves digging for the food from the garbage. At the restaurant dumpster, she proudly does efforts to find out the good food with which she fills her grocery bag. Astonishing! I would rather like to spend some hard cash to satisfy my hunger and honor my taste buds with the fresh and healthy meal. Kary amazingly wonder us by doing so. How trash food satisfied her desire for the meal!

Saving Money on Food - Miser people

Weird Night Out

Penny pincher shows there extreme and unconditional love for money by enjoying the weird night out which literally means to pick the meal from the stranger's plates when they do not finish their plates. It is indeed a common habit which many of the cheapskates share and does not feel any sort of shame in doing so. The kick out all the shame and focus on picking it fit from the half-eaten plates of strangers. It also brings the fact into light that food should be wasted as it is of great importance and essential for life. For cheapskates, food is essential but the not necessarily the hygienic one. They experience the night out to rush to the empty tables where people have left their half eaten plates.

Cheapskates Alternate for AC

Penny pinchers are so proud of their misery and say goodbye to the luxuries of life. No AC, no furniture, and no other mandatory electronics. Just love for money! They even indulge in life hacks if required but won’t spend money. Here, I am going to uncover the story of some cheapskates who behave a little cheap by adopting a life hack as an alternate of AC. Such penny pincher uses cornstarch in order to combat the heat. 

Yup! You read it right.!

The cornstarch which is the cooking stuff most commonly use in our kitchen is used by them to save their money. Seeping of the cornstarch into the pores makes the breakout. Indeed, the reactions which it makes are not quite good to experience.

A penny pincher named Ben was one of the cheapskates who does not pay for AC, rather uses this method in summers. According to him, spending money on AC is like throwing your money. He is comfortable in beating up the summer heat by using cornstarch. Poor guy! People should stick to their deodorants rather than cornstarch and use AC in the summers. Such creepy guys are complexing their life by not enjoying the facilities of life and burden their souls as well.  The money is theirs and if they do spend it on themselves then they won't be able to utilize it even in their life. Cornstarch can never be an alternate of AC.

Driving Worst Car Ever

It has been the dream f almost every person to get a luxurious car or some just work hard to afford a car. Having enough money to get a good conditioned car but still having the worst one does not sound silly? Surely, it does.

Ben once again takes the lead in the race for being the most next level penny pincher. He is the owner of a clunker whose purpose Is to pollute the environment and makes the driving even more tougher. Those who do not love their life and want to get rid of it should surely take a driving that car in order to know the status of that car. It can risk your life. Although he can afford a decent car yet he does not want to. 

There is no doubt that all of us have to go through some crappy car due to the lack of budget but does not mean to buy a junk. He can easily afford a good one. A good one does not mean a luxurious, expensive or branded one but a reasonable one. There are several other beneficial and efficient ways to cut down the expenses but compromising on the car is not the solution. The junk of hunk surely not be considered for driving.

Money Saver - Money Lover - Grabbing Money

Not Using Any Toilet Paper

An unbelievable story of a penny pincher which makes you feel disgusted is about the Kay Hashimoto. She is a cheapskate who shared her experience of toilet paper with us and told a weird fact which shook almost all of us. The odd and extremely cheap thing is to not use any toilet paper. 

Using less toilet paper or reducing expense on toilet paper makes a sense but not spending any money in it in order to save money is totally silly. By doing so, she succeeded in saving $6 per month. He further told that she uses her hand for wiping off when she uses the toilet. Quite unhygienic. This way of cutting off budget is crazy.

It welcomes much gynecological and multiple UTI’s. Donate her some toilet paper so that she could stop continuing it further. Incredible!

Never Flush the Toilet

Highly insane and crazy fact that I am going to let you know guys are about Victoria who hails from Columbus. This lady is a next level cheapskate and a millionaire. That's good to know that she is a self-made millionaire. Unlike other girls, she does not like to bother on her clothing. Girls usually are crazy about new and branded clothes and leave no stone unturned to look glamorous. 

No matter, how expensive the parlor is, they love to enjoy a spa and purchase various beautiful dresses but never feel satisfied. But, there comes an entirely different scenario in the case of Victoria. Not only this, but she believes to not flush the toilet. Yukkkkkhhh!

The damn dirtiest thing which nobody ever heard anywhere is not flushing the toilet but to keep it in the jar and filling it with the urine in order to prevent flushing the toilet.

Eating the Roadkill

Cheapskates do not spare any opportunity to shock us. They keep on making us shocked by telling their budget-saving stories. They are taking their eating habits to the worse by letting us know that they enjoy eating the roadkill. They find nothing wrong in this. The extreme cheapskates hardly seem with delicious and fresh snacks. These cheapskates compel their family to eat the roadkill. Pathetic!

They do not bother about eating the diseased one or does not skip f the meal is of bad quality. Using the salt and pepper is a foolish thing for them. They believe that there is not much salt and paper for cooking the roadkill. It is hard to image for us and these penny pinchers do it so frequently.  

Penny Pincher Eating Roadkill

Saving Money on Water

Various cheapskate love to cut off their budget on flushing. Using water on flushing is the waste of money for them. They believe to save almost $10 each year if they do not use flush in water. Victoria is a cheap stake who is a non-flusher. She keeps the urine in the jar rather than flushing it on the toilet. It lets her save money. Many of the Americans living in average houses do the same. Unhygienticity at its peak! It is hard to understand what satisfaction they g from such activities. These behavior are quite undoubtedly absurd.

Use of Creek Water

All of us use water to fulfill our daily task such as cooking, flushing, washing utensils, washing clothes etc. Some penny pincher saves money on water by not paying for it. Some do not believe in using water for their domestic chores while a few use it but does not pay for it. Strange? Let me tell you how they successfully do it.

A Texas-based artist named Ben Livingston is a penny pincher. He refused to pay any penny for water. Having a water supply at your home compels you to pay for it. Hence, this penny pincher likes to use the local creek water by filling it in the empty water bottles. He consumes gas while driving in order to reach the local creek. Does not it sound a bit funny too! It is a fact the creek water has quite better taste than that of the tap water. Wasting gas to reach the creek is affordable for him but spending $0.001 for getting a gallon of tap water seems expensive to him. In reality, it hardly makes any difference in terms of cost for any sensible person. We would rather choose tap water and saves both our energy and gas by getting this facility at our home.

Extreme Sample Testing

People love to check out various exciting and adventurous events that are taking place in their surroundings. When people get bored they usually rush to such exciting events and accompany their friends too. Participating in the nearby events let them feel help and to kick out their stress. Likewise, it is a source of amusement too. But, hey! For you know penny pinchers also go to such event and keep their eyes on the upcoming events too.

As discussed earlier, their eating behavior and choices are entirely opposite to ours which is due to their money-saving habit. One of the cheapskates revealed a strange fact that they move to nearby events in order to enjoy the meal. Here, meal means a free meal. They move to several events or grocery stores which are offering food to people. They eat that food to fulfill their calorie requirement. We normally feel shy about getting free sample food. But, they excessively take it for fulfilling their daily calorie needs, they would for sure not spend any money on purchasing of food. Taking a single or few bites is reasonable but taking this meal as a food is something strange.


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