13 Scientifically Impossible ad Astonishing Places That Actually Exist

Nature is so beautiful. It has the ability to attract people towards its beauty. People love to visit beautiful places in the world. There are some places on the earth about whom only a few people know and the majority of the people are unaware about those astonishing places. Even, the scientist re much more curious to know about them. Visiting these places reveals the fact these are beyond the comprehension of science. No logic works in explaining about these scientifically impossible places. Let us have a look at them. Surely, these would amaze you. Human mind hardly accepts their existence and consider it to be a fantasy. Mystery at its peak!

Singing Rocks in Pennsylvania

Have you ever heard about singing rocks? No? Then, let me tell you there exists singing rocks on the hill of Pennsylvania. Nobody has any idea that from where these have come to that place. Even, these could not have been fallen or slipped from any cliff or higher mountain.

The melodious singing of these rocks is ample to astonish the masses. A musical sound is generated on striking these rocks. Amazing! Hitting of single stone produces a tone which is hard to hear by human ears. Bringing two rocks near and striking them produce an interactive tone which soothes the ears. Alien enthusiast believes that these rocks are surely not formed this world. According to them, it could be a debris of alien spaceship or may have come from another planet.

Astonishing places of the world

Hessdalen Valley Lights

In the Hessedalen Valley, people enjoy the light that appears every night on the sky. This light is marvelously beautiful and mesmerizing indeed. It is of fantastic bright color which makes different exciting shapes in the sky. In addition to this, it dances fabulously on the sky and flashes outstandingly. Afterward, this mysterious light just disappears. It is a worth watching place that everyone should visit to soothe their eyes and enjoy the scene. It has been almost four decades that the residents over there are witnessing this activity. Such a wonderful place it is!
Scientists are trying hard to figure out the reason and logic behind it but all in vain. They are still perplexed and could solve this mystery yet. This scientifically impossible place presents the brilliant light that elegantly wins everyone’s heart and excites them with pleasure.

Kawah Ijen

Kawah Ijen is one of the astonishing places which is scientifically impossible. Basically, it is a volcano which distinctly spits out blue lava. In this volcano, a sulfur mine is built. In actual, this Kawah Ijen is not a lave but it is sulfur. The heating up and shooting through it is because of the sulfur gases. In the beginning, the blue colored fumes rise in the air to a height of about 5 meters. Afterward, these gases cool down in order to form the liquid sulfur. The appearance of blue colored lave is due to this blue liquid which flows like lava. At such a place, the air is harmful as it becomes toxic due to the poisonous gas. Whosoever visit this place or the miner working there should wear the gas mask in order to stay safe. This spectacular place is still scientifically unexplainable. 

The Movile Cave 

Workers accidentally discovered a cave in Romania whose atmosphere is entirely different even mysterious. The employees of power plant company wanted to set up camp. For this, they started looking for an isolated area and found this a dreadful pathway. None of the rays of light approached to the cave in 5.5 million years. The lake over there contains sulphuric acid in it which made the air toxic. The environment consists of hydrogen sulfide. The existence of cave is not the astonishing thing but the wonderful creatures that live in inside the cave are the most interesting one. Researchers visited this cave and find out more than 33 species living there. These are entirely new species which the scientists have not seen before. Marvelous!
These special species perhaps do not exist in any part of the world other than this. An important question that arises in the mind is that how these species succeed in surviving at such a place where the environment is toxic and no one is there to feed them. Here, lies the answer! The foam that is found on the rocks plays a role in feeding these new species.

The Boiling River

Wow! A boiling river!
In the SHanay Timpishka, there exists distressfully frightening river whose water is damn hot indeed boiling water. We have not seen any river who contain water at such a high temperature. Even, it is enough to boil us. This calm river is a huge mystery for the scientists. They are working hard to find out that how can a river be this much hot. According to the scientists, volcanoes play role in feeding the hot lakes or rivers. But the astonishing fact is that the volcano is much more away from this place almost more than 700 km.
No aminal can take a bath in the river or drink water from there. Mistakenly putting their steps in this water may cost them much. Animals can boil and turn into the skeleton immediately. Slipping or felling in this river is extremely dangerous for any living being.

Beautiful Places of the world

Lake Karachay

There lies a lake named Lake Karachay which is the highly radioactive lake on the Earth. A number of nuclear factories are available in the Soviet Union. Much of them are unsafe. The Lake Karachay contains an immense quantity of the radioactive material which is ample to make you die in just an hour. Standing near it is quite dangerous. The waste of these nuclear factories goes in the water of this lake and risk the living lives badly. Dumping the waste into this lake have arisen several problems. As a precautionary measure, concrete is used to cover this massively radioactive lake in order to avoid the disasters from happening.

The Well – Where Water Turns Things to Stone

In Knaresborough, North Yorkshire there is a well where water is moving down to the cliff. It looks like a fairy tale to tell someone that everything that falls into the water turns into a stone. It is not an eye blink process. In fact, it takes about 2 to 6 months. People put a lot of things into it and magically it turns into a stone. These things involve from a teddy bear to bicycle even. It is usually believed that is is the result of the curse of a witch. It is a very mysterious place to visit and to believe as well. Scientists try to prove many scientific theories regarding it but none of them is proved. Few believe that this water is rich in minerals that make a hard layer over the things and turn it into the stone.


Never-ending Colored Lightning Storm

Sea storms come and go. Sometimes they are beautiful to see sometimes they cause a massive destruction. But when we talk about the Catatumbo River everything ends up with a new concept. There is a nonstop storm in the Caratumbo river. This storm is very punctual about its timing. At night precisely at 7 pm, a natural phenomenon of lightning starts. It lasts for about 10hours a day.per year about 260 nights Catatumbo river hosts this storm. There were many theories proposed about this thundering Strom. One of them is uranium presence int the bedrock. Many scientists do not accept this theory.  It is usually said that the mountain shape results in the collision of warm winds with the cold wind from the Andes. Presence of methane near the evaporating water. All of this is a perfect combination of this thundering storm phenomenon. It is a very complex theory. but it is only a theory. no one knows the truth behind it. Once this thundering storm was stopped all of sudden in 2010. Everything becomes clear almost for six months. But afterward, it started again.  

The Blue Pond of Hokkaido 

Japan is blessed with Hokkaido Island. This island has an eye capturing the view of the beautiful lake. Ienoviormoent that surrounds this beautiful lake is so peaceful with the electric blue colored water of the lake.  Colors of this lovely lake changes with the angels of your viewing. It turns to a dull green color. Colors of lake changes with the change in season. It shifts colors from blue to lovely dull green.
It is very surprising to know that it is a man-made lake. This artificial lake is created by locals where they blocked the water and collect it in the dam. Scientists believe that it because of the particle of aluminum hydroxide presence in the lake water.

Mysterious Places of the world

Sleeping City of Kalachi

We have always heard about sleeping beauty or sleeping palace in our childhood stories. As we grew up, we became aware of the reality that nothing like this actually exists. A wonderful fact to know is that there exists a city which is called the sleeping city. Maybe it sounds little silly or untrue to you. But believe me, the sleeping city of Kalachi is an incredible reality. The city of kalachi which is known as Kazakhstan suffers from a very strange epidemic. Citizens residing over there suddenly collapse into naps immediately at any time anywhere.  Besides this epidemic, citizens are living over there and do not want to go anywhere else. Even, the evacuation is recommended but still, the residents choose to spend their lives there. Scientists failed to find out the solution to this epidemic. Even, the reason behind this is still unknown. According to some people, the sudden naps may be due to radiation posing as uranium mine is located nearby. But, there exists no evidence or reason for this. Many theories are proposed but the truth is still covered.

Circles of Namibia

The circles of Namibia is all about an unsolved ecological mystery. Throughout the Namibian desserts, there exist small circles. These are located at regular intervals and nothing grows in them. Why are only the circles present over there? Why not any other shape such as triangle, rectangle or any irregular ship? What can be the fact behind it? Why does not anything grow in those circles? Scientists have proposed many theories about it. According to them, these perfectly created circles may be the activity of mite. All sort of the theories proposed to explain these circles of Namibia are rejected.

Wonderful Places of the World

Hum of the Taos

In New Mexico lies Taos, whose residents are suffering from the humming sound. This humming sound irritates them but there is no hummingbird who is producing such sound. Then the question arises, from where does this sound come? Investigators have failed to answer it. The residents of the Taos experience extreme pain and frustration from this persistent voice. Living there is like risking your peace. It is hard to live at such a place where you have to hear the voice only and no one can pinpoint that from where it originates. This audible buzzing sound is ample to frustrate anybody. According to the scientist, the residents of the Taos are the super hearer.  The real fact is still not known. Pathetic!

The Devil’s Kettle

Let me tell you about a place where exists natural mystery. In Minnesota, Devil's Kettle lies which is quite suspicious. It flows along the Brule river and at a certain point, the water of the river separates from each other and splits into two. Lake Superior is the first split while there exists no clue about the second split course. According to the Scientists, the second split should also end up somewhere but nobody knows anything about it. They added color to the water and also used the Ping-Pong balls to know about the second split part of the river but all in vain. How is it possible there should be a traceable marking of water but here lies no clue. None of the tricks works here. Completely mysterious place!


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